Here's some of our frequently asked questions:
What Is Toastmasters
Toastmasters International is a non-profit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs. Innisfil Toastmasters happens to be one of those chartered clubs.
We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.
We are what is considered a community club (welcome to anyone 18+ years old) within Region 6, District 123 , Division N, Area 15. Our club number is 3589490.
Can I come to the next meeting?
Yes! Guests are ALWAYS welcomed to our meetings. There is no obligation to join our club if you’re coming out a couple of times to see for yourself the value of our Toastmasters club. When you’re ready to join just ask one of our members or contact us.
Do I need to bring anything?
Not at all. We provide everything. You are welcome to bring a pen for writing down any notes and votes and/or a bottle of water to participate in our informal toast to the theme of the meeting at the beginning
I have a crippling fear of public speaking, can you help me?
Everyone’s journey is different and depends how much you’re willing to participate and step outside your comfort zone.
Every Toastmasters member started their journey somewhere and learned the valuable lesson that practice, practice, practice really is the cornerstone of growth. We provide a safe opportunity and positive feedback to allow you to gain this practice speaking in front of others.
Can my child join your club?
Unfortunately no. The minimum age requirement to join a Toastmasters club is 18 years old.
Our District 123, will occasionally have Youth Leadership Programs which may be an option for you.
How do I become a member and how much is it?
You fill out an application and give it to our VP of Membership, Club President, or Treasurer. If you’re not sure who is who, just ask. 🙂
Membership is $120 (pro-rated) every six months plus an initial one time only sign-up fee to register with Toastmasters International.
Do you still meet at ‘X’ location at ‘Y’ time?
We currently meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month from 7:30 – 9:00 pm Innisfil Community Church 1571 Innisfil Beach Road, Innisfil, ON
Please enter through the front door and follow the red arrows.

If and when our times and location change we will update on this site and on our Facebook Page.
What can I expect?
We do our best to prepare well in advance before every meeting and set an agenda. Here’s an example of what an agenda looks like.
The format of a typical meeting becomes very familiar after a few visits, and will be similar at many other Toastmasters clubs.
We break the meeting usually into two portions. The first part of the meeting is prepared speeches and possibly an Educational portion. The second part everyone is welcome to participate in either Table Topics or some other club discussion to practice public speaking, followed by excellent evaluations and feedback.